Forbidden 2018

Soon after getting back from Forbidden last year, Gun declared that he wanted to attend the next one. I think I he was curious about it all, but the morning non-kinky grappling sessions finalized his decision to give it a try.

We had a year of planning. We had hoped to camp in a camper of some sort, but the one that was going to be lent to us fell through, so we were back to tent camping. That coupled with us not getting a serviced site, plus Bob’s health the month+ before had us evaluating if we were going to go right down to the end. Continue reading

A weekend away, and some self-reflection

This past weekend Erik and I went away to a hotel not too far away and spent a couple of days and nights together. It’s been three years since we met and started dating, and it was also the first time we’ve been able to spend that amount of time together.

It was an amazing, relaxing, fun, connective weekend. I enjoyed every moment we had together, but by the time I got home, I found myself fighting my emotions and holding on by a thread.

Why was this?

I was confounded at first with what my emotions were bringing up in me. I didn’t lack with cuddles, kisses, or random touches all weekend. Other than not wanting our time together to end (nothing new there), what had me so riled up?

I realized that I put myself out there in ways I haven’t in a long time. I was nervous and scared, but I did it. I was glad I did, and I think Erik appreciated it too, though some of what was bothering me was the way I perceived a few of his reactions.

What stands out the most is that it showed me how uncomfortable I’ve become in my own skin. The inner me knows what she wants and needs now more than ever, but I’m not happy with the outer me.

Erik gave me a cute, flowery, sheer nightie the first night we were away. From the searing looks Erik was giving me while wearing it, he seemed to like it quite a lot, but I honestly couldn’t stand to look at parts of me in it. It wasn’t *my* body, or at least not the one I had finally grown to accept and like in the recent-ish past.

I had lost 75lbs a few years ago, but over the last while, I’ve put it all back on. I’m the most disappointed in myself for the last year specifically. The coping mechanisms I’ve used for dealing with things in my life weren’t ideal and as a result I don’t recognize me anymore. Those things I had trouble coping with have started to straighten out some, but I’m now here… feeling like the overweight unhealthy person I was over 6 years ago.

I think a lot of my reactions were based in that. I’d put myself out there. Insecure, gross feeling me…

Erik and I talked some last night. While the rational part of my head knew I was on the wrong track, it did help some to get confirmation that was the case. .

I’m still feeling off though. I think me trying to take back control of my health should help. It’ll be an uphill battle, but I’ve done it successfully before. Dammit, I can do it again.

<This is the living area of the suite we stayed in. The featured pic is the view.>

How may I be of service?

I saw a tweet on @TheKinkRealm tonight that was a prompt of sorts – “How may I be of service?” #subquotes #BDSM – is what it read (or see the header pic to this post). 

I had to take pause after reading that. 

It’s honestly something I think and feel every day, but I don’t ask. I guess I should, but really the answers I figure I’ll most likely get would have to deal with doing things on my own; reflection, meditating, that kind of thing. I do that in my own way often, it’s a way I stay sane with the distance and time issues I have in my BDSM relationships. So I haven’t asked. 

Is it worth asking? Really I guess there are no stupid questions, especially in those connections that you trust inherently. 

We’ll see…

Yes, my brain is working overtime again. 

Random late night D/s relationship type thoughts

I am not a “little” but there are aspects of the DD/lg (Daddy Dom/little girl) relationship that enthrall me. They mostly have to do with being taken care of.  

I’ve always been an independent woman who takes care of herself, but there are times when I’d just as much be ecstatic if someone took care of me a bit. I know I would struggle, but ultimately would love it. Take care of me, show me how to act properly for you, discipline me if I screw up. Show me you care about me, and us. I will give it my all to show you the same.

This thought was prompted by a picture I saw earlier tonight on twitter. It got my mind going in a direction that I hadn’t really thought of much before, but has continually been drawing me to some degree or another. 

Fallen, but I will get back up again

A Facebook “on this day” post hit home this morning.  It was 6 years ago today that I signed up for a bootcamp class with the city. This bootcamp class was a catalyst in my life. It started the journey of me finally accepting and liking myself, and ultimately helped lead me to the courage needed in asking my husband about opening up our marriage. Continue reading

Forbidden 2017

*Warning: one picture included below involves blood, it’s from consensual needle play.

This year I was able to book off the Friday and was on holidays the following week, so I could be there every day of Forbidden.

For those who don’t know, Forbidden is a yearly kinky camping event in southern Ontario at a gay men’s campground. They open their doors three times a year for us kinky and open minded folk, Forbidden being one of them. The camp ground is beautiful and well kept. There’s a salt water pool, a rec hall that they hold activities in, a food truck/cantina kind of thing if you don’t feel like camp food, a tent with donated play equipment, and a forest full of fun kinky equipment at our disposal. Us attendees also plan all sorts of activities for anyone to join in throughout the weekend. Continue reading

Tape won’t hold together cracks for too long 

It’s been a challenging few months in various aspects for me but I’ve been holding steady. It’s weird though; I’ve been in a mindset for the past few weeks to basically push everything aside and focus on my creativity. I’m still kinda there, but not. I have my moments where I feel so overwhelmed and needy, but I’ve found my footing and reigned it in and basically pushed it all down. 

This past weekend was a quad weekend, but it also kind of wasn’t. We were all together but my other best friend, her husband, and their daughter were also there, so we didn’t get the same swapped alone time that we usually do even when my kids are there with us. It was the first time in about 2 years that Bob and I didn’t get to do our D/s greeting ritual 😔  i honestly wouldn’t have changed the weekend if I could, but it was just so odd and unusual that I don’t think I really escaped the mindset I’ve been in, even with the extra day together. I’m not sure what to think of it, but honestly patience is still what’s needed the most, so I’m not putting a lot of thought into it right now.

It’s where the “I don’t give a shit” attitude I’ve had for quite a while now just doesn’t help. That and when I get home from work, I’m totally thinking “fuck it” to pretty much everything.

I’m not feeling submissive these days. I recognized my yearning for a sound beating back a month or two ago, but that’s almost gone dormant. I know it’s there, but I just feel like I’m on autopilot through pretty well everything lately. I don’t feel much, I don’t engage, I just exist… I hate it, but don’t know how to find my way out of it without cracking somewhere.