Career life musings during the few last days of being 41…

‪If I were to have my dream job, it’d be something creative. Chainmaille/jewelry making and/or the window painting I love to do would be the ultimate. How can I do these as a full time job? How can I get there? I *hate* sales; I seriously suck at it.‬ custom made service is easy; I’m polite and hate to put anyone out. Actually going out of my and asking them to buy stuff?  Yeah no, not me. I tried it with Tupperware after my oldest was born, but I lasted as long as my Aunt’s had shoes for me. 

‪As I sit here at my “for a living” job, I know I need more. I’ve had various administration jobs for the past 21(eek!!!) years. I really I don’t mind the work, but who you work for means a lot in this type of position. My boss is a tool. A selfish witch who truly doesn’t appreciate what I do for her. I need out of here, but I don’t know where to go. Admin jobs like this are in high competition in the area I live, and I’d rather not commute for 1++ hours if I really don’t have to. I’m trying. I’m applying for various jobs I see or get sent (as everyone I care for knows I’m fed up and am looking.)

I’ve been doing some soul searching of various sorts lately, and the job front has been a biggie…

*sigh* 😔